Service offer

GKS GmbH, Company for cooperation and services, has been offering our customers efficient und innovative solutions for a cost-oriented and thereby successful purchasing since its foundation in 1997.
Our customers mainly include medium-sized companies but also big corporations, service companies as well as authorities and public institutions.
Our service range covers the complete strategic and operational take-over of the purchasing responsibility for our customers (BPO), as well as the organisation of purchasing cooperations. Furthermore, we offer energy procurement and the provision of electronic marketplaces for requests which ensures an optimised purchasing process of goods with day-dependent prices. Naturally, our company also covers global sourcing.
As an outsourcing partner our service can also be focused on outsourcing certain purchasing processes-category outsourcing: indirect purchasing, non-production material, capital goods, special procurement process, one-time procurement, etc.- depending on the requirements of our customers
Our work is concentrated on increasing productivity, reduction of process and material costs , promotion of competition and increasing transparency in any kind of procurement markets.
Our customers benefit from the know-how of our competent procurement specialists, who are always up to date in their specific field.