Invest and save strongly

Information event for subsidies
Invest and save strongly.
This was the guiding principle of the informational event of GKS yesterday at the Innovision Center of BHS Corrugated.
After a short welcome and some introductory words by Mister Albert Maier, project coordinator and strategic purchaser at GKS, it was all about the core topic of the afternoon.
Businesses which invest in energy efficient technologies, can take advantage of several funding pools under certain conditions. However, it is essential to find the most profitable, apply for it and then process the transaction correctly. Mister Heinzel, Dipl. Ing. TU Fertigungs- und Betriebstechnik of Effizienz Werk GmbH in Landshut provided a thrilling and very informative lecture about this very subject.
Participants from various companies in the area were astonished to learn about the variety of funding programs and possibilities: injection moulding systems, waste heat utilization, cryogenic insulation or technical extraction systems– these are only a few of the eligible examples Mr. Heinzel explained.
Finally, the participants talked shop and already discussed investment projects and further steps to take action.
We would like to thank all participants for your interest and Mr. Heinzel for your speech. We are already looking forward to the next event!